D2 Northeast Solutions, LLC

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Expanding on your Personal Active Shooter Response: When do you Run, Hide, or Fight?

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) promotes the options of Run, Hide, and Fight as the primary response to active shooters.  There are numerous other ideas out there produced mostly by companies trying to sell their brand. However, I like the easy-to-remember Run-Hide-Fight.  The key is understanding that these are OPTIONS for you, not sequential responses, and that each situation is different.  Over the next few articles, I will expand on each of these in the hope that you (and those with whom you share this article) will increase your awareness of surroundings and be better prepared if an active shooter (or any type of aggression) occurs near you.

RUN. Although this is the first word, it is not always the best option.  You MUST know where, or in what direction, the shooter is.  While I cannot tell you exactly how to respond, below are some questions to be familiar with before making your choice:

               - Where is the shooter? Can I tell where gunshots, screams, yelling is coming from?  Is everyone else running away from something?

               - Am I sure that if I run I won't run right into him/her?  Do I know that the exits, stairwells or elevator are safe?

               - If inside, are doors the only exit? What about windows (even if you have to break them out)?  Fire escapes?  Access to roof?   If you make it outside, and know where the shooter is, run in a direction farthest away from his/her line-of-sight.  This may mean running around a corner before moving away from the building.

                              **Note that in a workplace, the key is having multiple methods of communications to alert everyone. Public Address systems, phone apps, email broadcasts, etc. 

- If outside, you must find out which direction any gunfire is coming from and find something to provide you protection (not just concealment).  During large outdoor events, many injuries come from panicked people who trample others in the surge of the crowd, so you need to not only find protection from the shooter, but a place where you won't be trampled.

If you do not believe you can safely run to safety, then you need to find a safe place to Hide—and possibly Fight!  We'll discuss more on that later!

Thanks for reading, and if you have any thoughts or questions, please leave them below.