
D2 Northeast will sit down and help you identify your critical assets and make recommendations on how to bolster your existing, or develop a new, security program. Consider the below topics and questions relating to your organization:

  • Travel Security. Do you have personnel traveling overseas? Who prepares them? Due to the increased threat of both criminal and terrorist attacks, as well as identity theft, consider travel security briefings for your staff, prepared especially for the specific area of travel.

  • Physical Security. Gates, guards, and guns may be important, but there is much more to effective security. How can you utilize low or no-cost methods to increase your physical security and survivability?

  • Insider Risks/Threats. How confident are you in your employees’ trustworthiness? What exactly did your background check look for? How complete was it?


Talk to us about coming out to discuss some key issues in your organization and allow us to make some recommendations for safety enhancements:

Active Shooter Preparation and Survival. Are your staff aware of how to respond to an active shooter to maximize their, and your clients’ and customers’ survivability? Don’t be a victim—be a survivor! Think through how you can arrange your office, where you can position furniture for cover and concealment, and how you and your staff can exit quickly and safely—and not always through doors.

Basic Life Support. Are your staff knowledgeable of basic life-saving techniques, including CPR, or using automated external defibrillator devices? Are they familiar with using trauma kits, and the Stop the Bleed program?

Workplace Violence. Do your managers know how to identify and address workplace issues before they occur? Are they comfortable speaking to a subordinate? Do they know when to call in a Human Resources Professional?

Training & Education

The best organizations train their employees. Whether they be cashiers or chief executives, it is important to train your staff as a team and introduce them to new and evolving concepts and solutions. D2 Northeast Solutions is perfectly positioned to assist in workforce development. Consider these key training sessions:

Active Shooter Response and Survival. Learn how you can maximize your chance of survival and the survival of your colleagues, clients, and customers. Learn best practices to “Run, Hide, Fight.” What can you use to defend yourself—and to attack? What items should you position around your workplace to assist you when the unthinkable occurs? How should you communicate between each other and with the police?

Managing Difficult Employees. Many managers are promoted without being provided some of the key tools in handling difficult situations. Using case studies and personal vignettes, we will cover how to identify a troublesome employee, how to address the issue appropriately, and prevent situation from lowering morale, or causing staff turnover.

Special Security Topics for Associations, Clubs, and Groups. We also enjoy providing speakers for different groups who are looking for new discussion topics. We can speak on a variety of issues, including national security, international and domestic terrorism, US intelligence, espionage, insider threats, and many more.

Business Improvement Solutions

There are many aspects to a business that are related to security and safety. Our experiences have helped us idea key areas which we can assist you with, such as:

Assess or Develop Organizational Policies. Organizations need policies which guide employee and management actions, such as equal employment, sexual harassment, bullying, employee evaluation and assessment, and more.

Budget Justifications. Larger organizations need to plan and justify large budget expenditures, which you may require to conduct a large enhancement of your security or safety programs.

Emergency Management and Business Continuity Planning. Will a flood, fire, or power outage, affect your ability to conduct daily operations, or do you need to be able to quickly and seamlessly transition to an off-site location?

Special Security Support

There are two areas which D2 Northeast wants to call out for unique security support due to rising threats: Houses of Worship and Marijuana Establishments. Both of these can gain the attention of hate groups, as well as thieves due their high volumes of cash on hand.

Houses of Worship. Unfortunately, the US has seen numerous attacks on houses of worship, spanning across nearly all religious denominations. D2 Northeast can provide both recommendations and training for key personnel on how to reduce vulnerabilities while not disrupting religious services.

Marijuana Establishments. The legalizing of recreational use marijuana in Massachusetts (and likely NH & CT in 2019), will near-definitely see criminals target these cash-only businesses. We will use our extensive experience in full-spectrum security and intelligence to identify the challenges in transportation, storage, and access to both products and cash, and provide the means to mitigate vulnerabilities and counter threats.