School staff must understand how to de-escalate conflict—while also maintaining safety for themselves and students.
School staff must understand how to de-escalate conflict—while also maintaining safety for themselves and students.
Shootings are all too common. Facility Managers hold an important role in protecting their facilities.
Houses of worship are often seen as soft targets because of being unoccupied for extended periods, and the schedule of services and activities are almost always posted online. Here are three ways to enhance security, as well as increase staff and congregation confidence, while not breaking the budget.
Run-Hide-Fight. These are personal options which only YOU can choose to survive an active shooter. They are not sequential. Let’s dig into these a bit more to help you make better-informed decisions.
When is the right time to have “the new talk” with your kids? The one where you discuss surviving an Active Shooter….
Active Shooters do not wait for law enforcement officers to arrive. In recent years, we’ve seen ordinary citizens step up and take extraordinary measures to protect themselves and others, and prevent further deaths and injuries. These are the new first responders, and we all need to be prepared.